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Giggles Early Learning Educators regularly evaluate the service ensuring we are delivering high quality education and care to all children.  We value our Educators for their individual skills and strengths. The service is licensed to operate according to the Education and Care Services National Law, 2010 and the Education and Care Services National Regulations, 2011.

National Quality Framework


The purpose of the Education and Care Services National Law 2010  is to create a jointly-governed, uniform and integrated National approach to the regulation and quality assessment of Education and Care Services (known as childcare, preschools or daycare). Under the National Law, Giggles Early Learning will be assessed and rated against the National Quality Standard and the requirements of the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 by the Regulatory Authority (Tasmania). 

The objectives of the National Quality Framework are to:

  • Ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of children attending Education and Care Services;

  • Improve the educational and developmental outcomes for children attending Education and Care Services;

  • Promote continuous improvement in the provision of quality Education and Care Services;

  • Establish a system of National integration and shared responsibility between participating jurisdictions and the Commonwealth in the administration of the National Quality Framework;

  • Improve public knowledge, and access to information, about the quality of Education and Care Services;

  • Reduce the regulatory and administrative burden for Education and Care Services by enabling information to be shared between participating jurisdictions and the Commonwealth.


The following guiding principles apply when making decisions about operating Education and Care Services, and working to achieve the National Quality Standard and improve quality at each service:

  • The rights and the best interests of the child are paramount;

  • Children are successful, competent and capable learners;

  • The principles of equity, inclusion and diversity are adhered to;

  • That Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are valued;

  • That the role of parents and families are respected and supported;

  • That best practice is expected in the provision of Education and Care Services.



The National Quality Standard sets a new national benchmark for the quality of Education and Care Services. It will also give services and families a better understanding of a quality service. This will enable families to make informed decisions about the services providing Education and Care for their children.


The National Quality Standard comprises Quality Areas, Standards and Elements. There are seven Quality Areas:


  • Educational program and practice;

  • Children’s health and safety;

  • Physical environment;

  • Staffing arrangements;

  • Relationships with children;

  • Collaborative partnerships with families and communities;

  • Leadership and service management.


Each Approved Service will receive a rating for each Quality Area and an overall rating.


These Quality Areas and Principles guide our service in maintaining and improving the quality of our practices and provide a way to identify any areas for ongoing quality improvement.


More information can be found at:

Regulatory Authority


A regulatory authority in each state and territory regulates and assesses children’s education and care services. In Tasmania this is the Education and Care Unit.  It is the responsibility of the regulatory authority to monitor and enforce compliance with the National Law and National Regulations, including receiving and investigating serious incidents and complaints. If you need to contact the Education and Care Unit, North West the number is 6478 4306.


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© 2014 Giggles Early Learning, Linda Wooldrage

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