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Giggles Early Learning is guided by the national compulsory curriculum Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework for Australia [EYLF] (Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations [DEEWR & CAG], 2009). The curriculum is written for children aged between birth and five years of age, who attend early childhood education and care services (known as childcare, preschool or daycare centres). The early years learning framework ensures children in early childhood settings experience quality teaching and learning, with an emphasis on play based learning. This particular framework views the child holistically as capable and rich in potential. The early years learning framework has five learning outcomes being:


  • Children have a strong sense of identity;

  • Children are connected with and contribute to their world;

  • Children have a strong sense of wellbeing;

  • Children are confident and involved learners;

  • Children are effective communicators.


The curriculum can be found at:


Our service curriculum provides for children within six areas:


  • Health, wellbeing and personal futures;

  • Creative arts;

  • Science, maths and technology;

  • Community and sustainable futures;

  • Language and literacy;

  • History and culture.


Educators have a commitment to, and within all aspects of the curriculum; which is written weekly based on the children's interests and strengths. Educators support children's natural curiosity, experimentation, desire to take risks; listenting to the children's ideas. Educators offer children the opportunity to revisit, repeat and add to experiences that the children are interested; validating the notion that children develop understandings of themselves and their world through active hands on exploration.  Our curriculum is balanced providing for a mix of structured, unstructured experiences; quiet, active; individual, small and large group experiences.



Family Grouping


All children who attend Giggles Early Learning have access to the same facilities.  Siblings are able to spend some or most of their day together if they wish.


Research has proven family grouping benefits children. Children have been noted to have:


  • A rapid increase in language development;

  • Occurances of appropriate social and emotional development;

  • Fewer behavioural problems;

  • Apt physical and intellectual development, as each child is able to play and learn at their own pace.


Educators have a more varied and less stressful work day in the family grouped environment; the workload is evened out as the demands from different age groups vary.




















Babies and infants


Educators interact positively and sensitively to the children. Babies and infants are supported to build trusting secure attachments with one or two Educators, ensuring  cues and signals are met throughout the day.  Each child's comfort and needs is provided for with appropriate opportunities to meet the need for sleep, rest, relaxation, toileting and meal times, in a safe and comfortable environment with regard to each child's age and development. Upon enrolment Educators are happy to discuss any additional care needs your child may have. At GIggles Early Learning breastfeeding mothers are supported and families from diverse backgrounds are embraced.

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© 2014 Giggles Early Learning, Linda Wooldrage

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