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Giggles Early Learning is a family owned and operated service, first opening in January, 2009.


At Giggles we understand that choosing childcare for your child can be a difficult decision. Our supportive Educators strive to make the transition positive and offer a home away from home for your child.


Giggles Early Learning is a safe, stimulating and challenging environment. Educators take pride in the aesthetics and presentation of the service. All environments reflect the strengths and interests of each and every child.


The service is open from 7.30am - 6pm weekdays, except public holidays.  Giggles Early Learning is a 34 place family grouped service.


We look forward to meeting you and your family in the future.







  • Educators are committed to providing children with high quality play based early learning curriculum that are based on a sound knowledge of early childhood development and children’s interests and strengths. The safe, stimulating and challenging family grouped environment will allow each child ample opportunity and time to explore, create, experiment and discover through rich and meaningful play experiences. We have a focus on children’s health and wellbeing in particular hygiene, nutrition and physical play.


  • Educators will act as facilitators and scaffolders of play. Educators will interact positively, responding sensitively to children, building warm nurturing relationships at all times.


  • Educators and children within our service have a commitment to, and in all aspects of the curriculum, strive towards adhering to the environmental principles of reducing, reusing and recycling. Children will be supported to be environmentally responsible and to show respect for the environment.  Children will be encouraged to show wonder and knowledge of the natural world.


  • We offer an inclusive curriculum encouraging a positive attitude to diverse backgrounds and abilities of one another. Children’s independence will be fostered and educators will value children’s personal decisions.


  • Behaviour guidance techniques used by educators focus on positive reinforcement, positive role modelling, intervention, redirection and consistency. The use of physical punishment, isolation, humiliation, intimidation or negative labelling will not be accepted under any circumstance.


  • Educators will regularly evaluate the service to ensure that the service and curriculum provides high quality care at all times. We value our educators for their individual skills and strengths and will provide opportunities of professional development to improve their expertise and practices in the early childhood profession.


  • Educators will advocate on behalf of the children and their families. We will work in partnership with families to strengthen the link between our service and the home environment. We recognise the importance of fostering strong links between educators, families, other professionals, local schools and the broader community.
















Full Day                    7.45am – 6pm       $115

After School Session 2.45pm - 6pm       $30



Please note these fees only apply when families do not supply:

Laundry Fee - $3 per day for washing of sheets

Hat Fee - $1 per day for hat use

Nappy and Wipe Fee – $1 per day

Afternoon Tea Fee - $2 per child per day

Child Portfolio Fee - $15 per child paid annually


Childcare subsidy (CCS)

The Child Care Subsidy is designed to assist families with the cost of child care.  Child Care Subsidy is assessed according to income. Families must register with the Department of Human Services by completing an online application Form, which includes proof of income, prior to commencing care.   Families are required to inform the Department of Human Services of any changes that may affect their assessment.  


The Department of Human Services

Phone: 13 6150 between 8am and 8pm (local time) Monday to Friday.

Phone: 13 1202 for information in languages other than English.

Phone: 1800 810 586 TTY Service Free call TM.  (For people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, a TTY phone is required.)




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(Double click on images to view slideshow of images from each event)

Giggles Early Learning Opening Ceremony


19 Smith Street

Saturday 14th February 2009


All Welcome


Upcoming Events


Christmas Family BBQ


Thursday 13th December

at Giggles Early Learning


6.30pm - 8pm


Photos will be taken with Santa


C'est l'enfance de l'art (It's Child's Play)


Time Out on Emmett Childrens art exhibition

Launch Monday 2nd August 2010


All Welcome


Move Well Eat Well Award Ceremony


19 Smith Street

Sunday 2nd December 2012


All Welcome



G E Learner Exhibition


Time Out on Emmett Childrens art exhibition

Exhibition: October 2013

All Welcome


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© 2014 Giggles Early Learning, Linda Wooldrage

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